What Are Herefords?

The Hereford is a breed of beef cattle originating in Herefordshire, England. It is known for its red-and-white markings, hardiness, and docile temperament. Herefords produce great-tasting beef for your family to enjoy!

Try these resources to learn more about Herefords:

Herefords - Encyclopedia Brittanica
American Hereford Association
Iowa Hereford Association

About Our Herd

Starting with three purebred Hereford cows in 2007, we have worked hard to select and retain cattle that have docile temperaments, easy calving, and good growth and carcass characteristics. Our herd has grown to over 40 Registered Hereford cows. We have two herd sires, BF Red Ribstone 301, and UU Sensation 4043. We are also incorporating some of the best AI sires in the industry: KCF Bennett Encore Z311 ET and Churchill Kickstart 501C ET.    

You can own our genetics! We offer a small selection of yearling bulls for sale each year.

Our genetics produce outstanding heifers that will consistently produce in your herd.

Herd Sires

Hereford Bull (from MississippiHerefords.com)Hereford Bull (from MississippiHerefords.com)

BF Red Ribstone 301 is big, muscular bull, and produces broad calves with good growth and great carcass characteristics. We have raised several of his calf crops, and his bull calves are thick-made with great temperaments. One of his sons won the 2017 Benton County Quality Steer Carcass class. We have three two-year-old bulls for sale and several heifers for sale from him. His registration is P43408745.

UU Sensation 4043 is a son of the famous Sensation 028X and has great EPDs: he is in the top 1% for calving ease direct and the top 5% for birth weight direct. He is also in the top 20% on in over 10 categories. His bull calves will make great calving-ease bulls and his heifers look like they will make great cows. His first calf crop are now yearlings and they look amazing. We a have several bulls for sale and heifers for sale from him. His registration is 43467724.

KFC Bennett Encore Z311, our newest AI bull, has curve-bending EPDs and is in the top 1% for weaning and yearling weight. Our first calves will be born from him in February of 2018 and we are excited to see them. His registration is P43387256.