Our Herd
Starting with three purebred Hereford cows in 2007, we have worked hard to select and retain cattle that have docile temperaments, easy calving, and good growth and carcass characteristics. Our herd has grown to over 50 registered Hereford cows.
For the last three to four years we have been selectively purchasing heifers and bred heifers that fit our program. Many of these females have come from Churchill Cattle Company in Manhattan, Montana. We have also decided that the fastest way to improve our herd is to use primarily AI sires on our best cows. This allows us to choose from the best bulls in the United States.
As you can see from this year’s crop of bulls for sale, we have the best bulls ever to select from, with some the best EPDs we ever had.
AI Sires
These are the main AI sires we have used in the past three years:

CHURCHILL BROADWAY 858F (858) P43919937

BEHM 100W CUDA 504C (BEHM504C) P43636764

TH 523F 738C SLEEP ON 163H (163H) P44140749

CMF 1720 GOLD RUSH 569G ET (CMF569G) P44108010

CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET (8300) P43938746

JDH VICTOR 719T 33Z ET (33Z) P43294080

CL 1 DOMINO 942G (942) 44010158

KT SMALL TOWN KID 5051 (5051) P43621413

PERKS 0003 EASY MONEY 4003 (4003) 43501766
PCR X51 BENTLEY 454B (PCR454B) P43472415

Learn More
Try these resources to learn more about purebred Herefords: