2024 Bulls
437M – BJK 2004 Broadway 437M
This is another good-looking grandson of Churchill Broadway. He is level-topped and moderate-framed with good structure. He will make a good option for heifers or commercial cows looking to keep replacements. Sire: BJK 858F BROADWAY 2004H (2004H) P44209169 Dam: BJK 454B BENTLY 2023H (2023H) P44202513 Registration: P44599793
430M – BJK 2004 Broadway 430M
I really like this Broadway grandson out of a bull we raised ourselves. He has good structure and is one of the stoutest bulls in the pen. His dam is a good looking four-year-old out of Churchill Stud. His EPD profile is very balanced, and he will make great choice for mature black cows. Sire: BJK 858F BROADWAY 2004H (2004H) P44209169 Dam: BJK DREAM GIRL 152J (152J) P44273534 Registration: P44599415
422M – BJK 596G Gold Rush 422M
This is another dark red, goggle-eyed Gold Rush son and he’s very impressive. He is big-shouldered, deep-bodied, and square-hipped. His calving ease EPD is in the top 11% of breed and his index EPD’s are all in the top 7%. This makes him an excellent choice for black heifers and cows looking to make great baldie calves. Sire: CMF 1720 GOLD RUSH 569G ET (CMF569G) P44108010 Dam: BJK REV RIBSTONE 601 (601) 43762912 Registration: P44606226
416M – JK 469G Gold Rush 416M
This goggle-eyed, dark cherry red Gold Rush son sure stands out in a crowd. He is deep-made with lots of power to go with it. He is the fourth calf out our 942 cow which has produced winners every year. His full brother from last year’s crop went to a producer in Michigan, one maternal sister was sold at expo a few years ago, and the other is a great looking young cow we kept for ourselves. He will be a great addition to any commercial cow herd. Sire: CMF 1720 GOLD RUSH 569G ET (CMF569G) P44108010 Dam: BJK RIBSTONE 942 (942) 44095679 Registration: P44606231
415M – BJK 133J Red Thunder 415M
This polled Red Thunder son does a lot of things right. He is level-topped and correct in his structure. He has an incredible 14 EPD traits in the top 15% of the breed. He will make an excellent choice for heifers and those producers looking for to keep replacements as his maternal EPDs are excellent. Sire: CHURCHILL RED THUNDER 133J ET (133) P44267942 Dam: BJK 215Z CL1 DOM 2009H (2009H) 44213729 Registration: P44606234
414M – BJK 133J Red Thunder 414M
I have had my eye on this one since he was born. We purchased his mother from the Churchill Cattle Company as a bred heifer and she has become one of our top cows. An ET calf out of her was the top selling yearling Hereford at the Iowa Beef Expo last year. He has 12 EPDs in the top 10% of the breed and is one the deepest and heaviest-muscled bulls in this year’s offering. He is more traditionally marked with a little more white than most. He will make a great choice for mature cows looking to improve growth and carcass merit. Sire: CHURCHILL RED THUNDER 133J ET…
405M – BJK 569G Gold Rush 405M
This is a good-looking goggle-eyed Gold Rush son. He is long made and sure footed. He has excellent carcass EPDS and his CHB is in the top 4% of the breed. He will make a great option for black cow herd looking to make excellent baldie feed calves. Sire: CMF 1720 GOLD RUSH 569G ET (CMF569G) P44108010 Dam: BJK MISS RIBSTONE 816F (816) P43955623 Registration: P44606229
404M – BJK 858 BROADWAY 404M
This Broadway son has the look. He is long made with a lot of depth to go with it. His growth and carcass EPDs are excellent with his weaning weight, yearling weight and CHB all in the top 6% of the breed. He will make an excellent choice for black cows looking to make baldie feeder calves. Sire: CHURCHILL BROADWAY 858F (858) P43919937 Dam: BJK 215Z CL1 DOM 2007H (2007H) 44213730 Registration: P44606233
403M – BJK 216J Endorsement 403M
This Endorsement son does a lot of things right. HIs dam is a young cow that we raised that looks to be one of our top producers. His calving ease and birthweight EPDs are in the top 1% and 3% respectively in the breed. With that said, his weaning weight and yearling weight EPDs are still in the top 35% of the breed – that is not easy to find. He’s got a level top and square hip. He will make a great choice for heifers and mature cows, looking to make replacements or feeder calves. Sire: NJW 119E 87G ENDORSEMENT 216J (119E216J) P44272851 Dam: BJK 18U GOLDEN OAK 203K…
402M – BJK 029H Desperado 402M
SOLD This is great looking son out of the popular AI sire Churchill Desperado. His maternal ½ brother is our feature at this years expo. He is safe for heifers and has excellent maternal EPDs. He is big hipped and deep bodied. He will be a great choice for putting on cows to keep replacement heifers. Sire: CHURCHILL DESPERADO 029H (029) P44149846 Dam: BJK 301 RIBSTONE 821F (821) 43955661 Registration: P44606230
401M – BJK 133J Red Thunder 401M
NOT AVAILABLE This bull is something special. He is a Red Thunder son out of a Long Haul daughter we purchased from Churchill’s two years ago. He is extremely deep and wide made with a straight top and good structure to go with it. His EPDs are impressive as he has 11 traits in the top 25% of the breed and 8 in the top 10%. At this point we are planning to keep him for a year and use him for clean up on our own cows. Sorry, maybe next year. Sire: CHURCHILL RED THUNDER 133J ET (133) P44267942 Dam: CHURCHILL LADY 1157J (1157) 44268904 Registration: P44606232